MIKVAH CONSIDERATIONS IN TIMES OF THE CORONAVIRUS – UPDATES to the community on behalf of the Mikvah Society of Los Angeles

Jul 28, 2020 Local Jewish News

Baruch Hashem, our staff is working tremendously with all the new constraints and requirements that the situation has demanded. We, as a community, should be extremely grateful to them and for the fact that we have been able to remain open through it all. 
With summertime, comes new situations and new requirements for our staff and users as we are ALL responsible for one another. 

As children return from sleepaway camps, and all the exposure to larger groups (and sometimes travel as well), we find it absolutely necessary to take precautions to protect all our users. 

So, for anyone who have children who have been at camp or have come in contact with any children who have been at camp we are letting you know one of the two following scenarios must be completed before coming to use the mikvah again: 

Ideally, everyone should have their kids tested, swabbed, upon returning home. If all tests are negative-AND-you have seen no symptoms, you may come to use the mikvah on your scheduled night. 

Alternatively, we must ask you to wait 14 days, from the time of contact with anyone returning home from camp, before coming to use the mikvah. 

With the many cases we learn of regarding asymptomatic patients, or patients who have had covid19 and believe they cannot still transmit to others or are protected themselves, we know that much precaution is needed. 

It is our responsibility, as those who run the mikvah, and yours as users, to follow these guidelines and requirements for the safety of everyone in our very large community. 

As always, if you have any questions at all, anytime, I can be reached by text/call at 310-948- 4432. 

I am truly appreciative of all your cooperation,  
Vivian Lurie & The Board of the Los Angeles Mikvah


We, at the Los Angeles Mikvah, feel tremendous gratitude to our users.  You have demonstrated that even though the ongoing circumstances have complicated many aspects of all of our lives, you have joined in and supported the community by abiding by all of our policies and guidelines.

As you can imagine, our staff, both Mikvah attendants and cleaning staff, have had to work much, much harder to follow everything we ask to keep you all as safe as we can. It is exponential and everyone has pulled through magnificently and we all owe them tremendous thanks as well.

*** I want to underscore for everyone to please continue following completely everything we ask of you from your end. One element which is especially important is to be sure that you are arriving ON TIME  for the appointment you have set.  If you do arrive late, even 10 minutes, please understand that we have no choice but to ask you to come back at the end of the evening. Now that we are working solely on an appointment based system, it is crucial for everyone to be on time as the ripple effect makes a very difficult job, impossible.

Please also remember, that EVERYONE needs to have an appointment to use the Mikvah. If you show up without one, you will be asked to come back only at the end of the evening. We cannot squeeze you in as the nights are heavily booked. With that in mind, it is to your benefit to schedule your appointment as soon as you know when your Mikvah night will be (the full week before). Should anything develop which will necessitate a change, just cancel and re-book. But this way, with a full week ahead—only once you are certain of your Mikvah night, you can schedule and will have plenty of options of available appointment times.

Again, we feel a tremendous Hakarat haTov to all of you.

Stay well and always feel free to text/call me at 310-948-4432 so I can answer your questions and try to help you with whatever you may need.

Vivian Lurie and the Board of the LA Mikvah.


To all our users:

Thank you for your understanding during this stressful time in which we realize more than ever how we are all responsible for one another. 

UPDATE: As of 3-22-20, the Los Angeles Mikvah will have certain changes in place: PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND CONTACTS IN CASE SOMEONE HAS NOT RECEIVED 

-If you have been in contact with ANYONE that has tested positive for the COVID19, we cannot allow you to use The Los Angeles Mikvah until your self- quarantine period of 14 days has passed. If you subsequently are exposed to another individual who tests positive, the 14 day period begins again for Mikvah use. 

-Anyone who has tested positive for the COVID 19 cannot be allowed to use The Los Angeles Mikvah at this time. 

-If you are exhibiting ANY COVID-type symptoms (dry cough, sore throat, fever, joint pain…) –even if you have not been in direct contact with someone who has yet been confirmed positive, please check with your doctor and your rav, before using the Mikvah, so that we do not risk spreading exposure to all the other users. Please remember each of us has an achrayut (responsibility) to everyone else in the community 

-Each Mikvah user will have their temperature taken BEFORE entering the Mikvah. If there is any degree of fever whatsoever, the policy is that the user cannot be allowed in. 

-We will be opening the mikvah on an appointment ONLY basis to reduce the number of people sharing the space.


Please prepare at home. Additionally, please be sure the appointment you set is for your mikvah day and not, in error, for the day you are making the appointment. 

-Once you have prepared at home, please do not shower before tevillah. An additional dip before your regular immersion count will suffice. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions info@lamikvah.org or my cell (text is preferable) 310-948-4432, Vivian Lurie). 

With Hashem’s help and a communal effort, we will hopefully control the situation. 

Thank you, 

The Board of the Los Angeles Mikvah 

UPDATE AS OF 3/19/20

To all our users:
Thank you for your understanding during this stressful time in which we realize more than ever how we are all responsible for one another.

As of 3-17-20, the Los Angeles Mikvah will have certain changes in place:
-If you have been in contact with ANYONE that has tested positive for the COVID19, we cannot allow you to use The Los Angeles Mikvah until your self-quarantine period of 14 days has passed. If you subsequently are exposed to another individual who tests positive, the 14 day period begins again for Mikvah use.
-Anyone who has tested positive for the COVID 19 cannot be allowed to use The Los Angeles Mikvah at this time.
-If you are exhibiting ANY COVID-type symptoms (dry cough, sore throat, fever, joint pain…) –even if you have not been in direct contact with someone who has yet been confirmed positive, please check with your doctor and your rav, before using the Mikvah, so that we do not risk spreading exposure to all the other users.
-Each Mikvah user will have their temperature taken BEFORE entering the Mikvah. If there is any degree of fever whatsoever, the policy is that the user cannot be allowed in.
-We will be opening the mikvah on an appointment ONLY basis to reduce the number of people sharing the space. If it is at all possible for you to prepare at home, that would be preferable. If you cannot do so, we WILL have facilities available for you.
-If you have prepared at home, and your Rav has told you there is no need to take an additional shower before immersing, we will not require it, but it is required to immerse one time before beginning your usual count.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions (info@lamikvah.org or my cell (text is preferable) 310-948-4432, Vivian Lurie.
With Hashem’s help and a communal effort, we will hopefully control the situation.
Thank you,
The Board of the Los Angeles Mikvah

As of 3-15-20, the Los Angeles Mikvah will have certain changes in place:

-If you have been in contact with ANYONE that has tested positive for COVID19, we cannot allow you to use The Los Angeles Mikvah until your self-quarantine period of 14 days has passed. If you subsequently are exposed to another individual who tests positive, the 14 day period begins again for Mikvah use.

-Anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19 cannot be allowed to use The Los Angeles Mikvah at this time.

-Each Mikvah user will have their temperature taken BEFORE entering the Mikvah. If there is any degree of fever whatsoever, the policy is that the user cannot be allowed in.

-We will be opening the mikvah on an appointment ONLY basis to reduce the number of people sharing the space. We are working on the software to allow for more openings now and are hoping to have it in place by tonight. If all available appointments will not up online by tonight, we will blast a phone number you can use for appointments.

-If you have prepared at home, and your Rav has told you there is no need to take an additional shower before immersing, we will not require it, but it is required to immerse one time before beginning your usual count.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions (info@lamikvah.org or my cell (text is preferable) 310-948-4432, Vivian Lurie).


With Hashem’s help and a communal effort, we will hopefully control the situation.

Thank you,

The Board of the Los Angeles Mikvah



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